
an intention cannot fail

"An intention cannot fail, because it happens right now. With an intention, there is no required result—we are simply connecting to our chosen course. “I’m just going to practice, and see what happens.” Therefore we invite curiosity, a sense of experimentation: “Well, this is interesting, I wonder what’s going to happen now?” Intention has strength, as its rooted in reality, but also suppleness—holding to an intention doesn’t mean our actions can’t change, based on what we discover.

Intentions come from inside, whereas goals are external. In connecting to an intention, we don’t have to look elsewhere for satisfaction—what we desire is already here as a seed within us. We may need some guidance and training to cultivate that seed, but relief comes when we realize we don’t need to try and be something we’re not."

- Ed Halliwell, "Meidtate With Intention, Not Goals." mindful.org


breathing is portable

“breathing is portable. You can’t forget to bring it with you.”

Arnie Kozak. “The Awakened Introvert.” New Harbinger Publications, Inc.


the universe is not ours to manage

“equanimity, as the voice of wisdom, simply reminds us that life is a series of highs and lows over which we have little control. We can and should do everything we can to ease suffering and foster happiness in others. But in the end, the universe is not ours to manage.”

Sharon Salzberg. “Love Your Enemies.” Hay House, 2013-09-11.


you can choose how to respond

“If something unexpected happens that throws us for a loop, we can freak out and say: “This should not be happening!” Or we can train ourselves to respond and go with the flow. You can’t keep what’s happening from happening. But you can choose how to respond.”

George Mumford. “The Mindful Athlete.” Parallax Press.


you will handle it

“Mindfulness reestablishes confidence by telling the anxious tendencies of the mind that when that future moment becomes the present moment, you will handle it.”

Arnie Kozak. “The Awakened Introvert.” New Harbinger Publications, Inc.


transform your game

“you couldn’t solve problems with the same consciousness that created them. It’s only in changing your consciousness that you can solve problems and transform your game, whatever it is and wherever you’re playing it.”

George Mumford. “The Mindful Athlete.” Parallax Press.


love no one until you can love yourself

"love no one until you can love yourself, for love of another is merely empty flattery and self-deception for one who cannot accept himself without pretense."

- L. E. Modesitt, Jr. “The Magic of Recluse.” Tom Doherty Associates, 1991


you are a full statement of your being

“every moment you are
a full statement of your being,
and you’re sending out vibrations that are
affecting everything around you,
which in turn is affecting
everything that comes back.”

Ram Dass. “Be Here Now (Enhanced Edition).” HarperCollins, 2010-10-26.


you can hear how it really is

“When you have quieted your mind
and transcended your ego
you can hear how it really is.”

Ram Dass. “Be Here Now (Enhanced Edition).” HarperCollins, 2010-10-26.


just be here now

“And during these travels he’s starting to train me in a most interesting way. We’d be sitting somewhere and I’d say,
“Did I ever tell you about the time that Tim and I . . .”
And he’d say, “Don’t think about the past. Just be here now.”
And I’d say, “How long do you think we’re going to be on this trip?”
And he’d say, “Don’t think about the future. Just be here now.”

Ram Dass. “Be Here Now (Enhanced Edition).” HarperCollins, 2010-10-26.


it takes a while to realize that God can empty garbage

“It takes a while to realize that God can empty garbage.”

Ram Dass. “Be Here Now (Enhanced Edition).” HarperCollins, 2010-10-26.